TEN Agent adalah agen AI multimodal kelas dunia yang terintegrasi dengan OpenAI Realtime API, RTC, dan fitur pemeriksaan cuaca, pencarian web, visi, dan RAG. TEN Agent menyediakan solusi berkinerja tinggi, latensi rendah untuk aplikasi AI audio-visual yang kompleks. Ini mendukung pengembangan ekstensi dalam C++, Go, Python, dan berjalan di Windows, Mac, Linux, dan perangkat seluler. TEN Agent menggabungkan fleksibel antara tepi dan cloud, menyeimbangkan privasi, biaya, dan kinerja. Ini mengelola dan menyesuaikan perilaku agen secara real-time untuk responsivitas dinamis. TEN Agent juga menyediakan ekstensi siap pakai seperti pemeriksaan cuaca, pencarian web, dan banyak lagi.
Fitur Utama
- Integrasi OpenAI Realtime API dan RTC
- Kinerja real-time tinggi, latensi rendah
- Dukungan multi-bahasa dan multi-platform
- Kombinasi fleksibel antara tepi dan cloud
- Manajemen status agen secara real-time
Kasus Penggunaan
- Membuat aplikasi chatbot AI dengan integrasi cuaca dan pencarian web
- Mengembangkan asisten virtual untuk perangkat seluler
- Membangun sistem pengawasan keamanan pintar
- Membuat aplikasi pendidikan interaktif
- Mengembangkan aplikasi hiburan multimedia
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Frequently Asked Questions
What is MaoMaoYu Top4 AI Tools Directory?
MaoMaoYu Top4 AI Tools Directory - top4ai.com is building an ai tools directory that helps you get your favorite ai tools. It can get ai writing tools, ai markting tools, ai paraphrasing tools, ai seo tools, ai study tools, ai generator tools, ai research tools, ai art tools, ai music tools, ai video tools, ai coding tools, ai photo tools and more here.
How to found your ai tools in MaoMaoYu Top4 AI tools directory?
1. Open top4ai.com.
2. Explore the ai tools in the MaoMaoYu Top4 AI tools directory.
3. Click the ai tools that you need to get the detail and visit it.
What are the main features of MaoMaoYu Top4 AI Tools Directory?
1. Jelajahi definisi sederhana alat AI dan temukan cara cepat menemukan alat yang sempurna untuk kebutuhan Anda. Sederhanakan alur kerja Anda dengan solusi AI yang tepat.
2. Mesin Pencari Cerdas: Berpikir tentang apa yang Anda pikirkan, menghemat waktu Anda, menghemat masalah Anda
Is it free to submit ai tools to MaoMaoYu Top4 AI Tools Directory?
Yes, it's free currently.
What's the categories list of AI Tools that MaoMaoYu Top4 AI Tools Directory support?
We will support all kinds of AI Tools later. Please wait for a few days.
What's the frequency for the up of AI tools in MaoMaoYu Top4 AI Directory?
The list of AI tools will be updated daily.
Is it support GPT-4o or Sora AI here?
You can get the GPT-4o or Sora AI tool here. Here is the introduction of GPT-4o and Sora video, and you can visit the website of the tools.
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What are the usage rights of the AI tools?
MaoMaoYu Top4 AI Tools Directory is just the AI Directory for AI tools. The usage rights of the AI tools are based on the AI tools' website.