RAXUP is an innovative augmented reality (AR) platform designed to enhance cognitive skills through engaging and interactive exercises. By leveraging the power of AR, RAXUP offers users a unique way to improve their reaction time, attention, memory, and accuracy. The platform is accessible via a mobile app, making it easy for users to integrate brain training into their daily routines. RAXUP is suitable for individuals of all ages who are looking to boost their mental performance, whether for personal development, professional growth, or simply for fun. With a user-friendly interface and a variety of exercises tailored to different cognitive needs, RAXUP stands out as a leading solution in the brain training and AR space.
Chinese Idioms Game 是一個專為學習中文成語而設計的教育遊戲平台。透過成語挑戰、成語接龍和成語配對等遊戲,讓學習成語變得簡單又有趣。平台結合了遊戲挑戰、成語字典和成語故事,形成一個完整的成語學習系統。玩家可以透過遊戲提升語言表達能力,了解成語的歷史背景和文化意義,並在輕鬆的氛圍中激發學習興趣。無論是學生、語言學習者還是文化愛好者,都能在這裡找到適合自己的學習方式,進一步提升中文水平,感受中華文化的魅力。
Talk to Me Human 是一款創新的遊戲,玩家需要用聲音與遊戲中的角色互動,解決各種尷尬、幽默的情境。遊戲特色包括獨特的語音互動、多樣化的角色和情節,以及即時的AI判斷系統。無論是單人遊玩還是與朋友一起,都能帶來無盡的樂趣和挑戰。遊戲支援多平台,無需下載即可在網頁上遊玩,適合各年齡層的玩家。