RAXUP is an innovative augmented reality (AR) platform designed to enhance cognitive skills through engaging and interactive exercises. By leveraging the power of AR, RAXUP offers users a unique way to improve their reaction time, attention, memory, and accuracy. The platform is accessible via a mobile app, making it easy for users to integrate brain training into their daily routines. RAXUP is suitable for individuals of all ages who are looking to boost their mental performance, whether for personal development, professional growth, or simply for fun. With a user-friendly interface and a variety of exercises tailored to different cognitive needs, RAXUP stands out as a leading solution in the brain training and AR space.
《Rebels in the Sky》是一款以太空海盜在銀河系中進行籃球比賽為主題的P2P終端遊戲。在2101年,企業已經接管了世界,唯一獲得自由的方式是加入海盜團隊並開始在銀河系中掠奪。遊戲正在積極開發中,經常會有重大變更。玩家可以通過SSH連接到遊戲服務器進行遊戲,或者自行構建遊戲並運行。遊戲支持多種平台,包括Linux、MacOS和Windows。玩家可以選擇運行中繼節點或SSH服務器,以幫助遊戲的去中心化。遊戲音樂從互聯網電台流式傳輸,玩家也可以自定義添加電台。遊戲採用GPLv3許可證,歡迎社區貢獻和反饋。